Poems for Your Crush

Poems for Your Crush (Love at First Sight Poems)

You know you have a crush on someone when you can’t seem to think of anything else. Crushes can sometimes develop swiftly, almost like love at first sight. Read these poems for your crush to make her fall you.

Poems for Your Crush

Poems for Your Crush

They also make you read through SMS messages a hundred times for amusement. They are innocent and fun, and if you’re lucky, they might even lead to love once in a while.


Love? No. Fate? I Think So

I knew the day we met
That we were meant to be.
I knew our fate was set,
That you were the one for me.

I didn’t even know you.
I only knew your name.
I wasn’t sure what to do.
I didn’t know who to blame.

I knew I found you attractive.
I could tell that you were nice.
The butterflies were so active
That I couldn’t think twice.

Everything I did that day
Didn’t show you who I am.
Every time you came my way
My heart began to ram.

My actions weren’t natural.
My reactions weren’t real.
I felt so very terrible,
But my heart I did not wield.

And when the group said goodbye to me,
My eyes were fixed on you.
I knew I was trying to see
If you felt the same way too.

I liked you when I saw your face,
But maybe it was the touch.
My heart had begun to race.
I already liked you too much.

I knew the day we met
That we were meant to be.
I knew our fate was set
As friends, as lovers, as enemies.

By, Tammy Luu


My Secret about You (Poems for Your Crush)

Yeah, everybody has a secret.
I have one, too.
Most of my friends know,
But what about you?
I can’t explain what I’m feeling.
Could it be true?
I’m not sure, but I think I’m falling for you.
To be honest, I think it’s quite possible.
It’s funny how this feeling grew.
I’m falling once again,
But this time it’s for you.
Tell me you like me
Or at least give me a clue.

I know this feeling
I’ve felt it before,
But that was different
‘Cause he walked out the door…
I could be losing it,
But I’ll let the rain pour
Because a day without you
Is like hitting the floor.
All over again,
I’ll fight this war…

Standing here with you feels so right,
But something’s wrong.
This rhyme is a little off,
But I’ll sing this song.
It’s beautiful
Because its melody is so lovely, but somehow it doesn’t belong.
It doesn’t have to be perfect,
So why don’t you sing along?

I’m being honest.
I can’t believe you broke my shell.
Everybody sees it,
So I’m like “What the hell?”
Being around you makes me stupid
Can’t you tell?
You funny jerk,
Am I going to have to spell
It out so you could see?
I’m telling you I fell
For you…
Do you feel the same as well?

I told you the truth,
So now I’ll go
Unless you stop me.
I’ll leave you alone…
Say you feel the same
Cause I don’t want another clone…
I like you for you,
And I know I don’t need a wishbone.

A friend saw you looking today
Just as I thought of this silly rhyme.
It’s not perfect, but it’s good enough.
Liking someone is not a crime,
So don’t be intimidated,
Considering you have plenty of time.
Tell me today…tell me tomorrow.
Either way is fine…
I don’t mind waiting.
Shoot, I’ll give you extra time…

Another moment is passing by,
So I’ll give you this
And hopefully I won’t kiss
It goodbye…
Knowing me I’ll probably dismiss
The event because in all reality,
I’m just too much of a sis
To give you this poem.
I’m too intimidated, but I can’t miss
Another chance to tell you the truth;
I can’t waste another minute in this ‘What if?’ abyss
Especially without you…

By, Tennicee Reynolds


The Sobs of a Goodbye (Poems for Your Crush)

In the calmness. In the stillness. In the silence I awake,

Waiting in great patience for the egg of dawn to break.

For hair is golden thread woven from my golden harp.

Be careful touching things if you don’t know if they are sharp.

In the calmness. In the stillness. In the silence my thoughts stream,

Waiting in great patience for the arrival a dream.

Far away I know you thrive in golden heaps and piles.

Far away you live each day for miles and for miles.

Away from me you sleep each night content in your own mind.

Away from you I dream broken dreams of memories unrefined.

I wish before I sleep that I might see your long lost face,

For I’ll never see you out of dreams. This is the only place.

So your fingers pull my heartstrings, and I wait for it to end.

In the calmness, stillness I await for any friend.

Fragments of my memories. I dream them, unrefined.

Far away you sleep in Finland, content in your own mind.

In the calmness. In the stillness. In the silence my thoughts stream,

Waiting in great patience for the arrival of a dream.

Each night I lay alone, hoping that I might find a way to you.

After the fragments of my memories that I am forced to suffer through.

Each night I lie awake, longing for something to light my way.

When I see a light, I open my eyes to see it’s only the light of day.

I lay my head down soundly on my pillow; I start to cry.

Muffled in the linens are the sobs of a goodbye.

I know I’ll never dream of you. I try so hard. I try.

Muffled in the linens are the sobs of a goodbye

Hair is but golden thread. All is not what it may seem

While waiting in great patience for the arrival of a dream.

In the calmness. In the stillness. In the silence my thoughts stream

Waiting in great patience…for the arrival of a dream.

By, Erica

Crushes sneak up on you, apparently overnight elevating a good buddy to the status of the object of your devotion. You smile uncontrollably, daydream incessantly, and become more motivated to attend school as a result of crushes.

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