Special Sister Poems

Special Sister Poems (Expressing that Amazing Bond)

This collection of joyful and humorous special sister poems can help express the special love and relationship that only the two of you can comprehend if you’re seeking for Special Sister Poems.

Special Sister Poems

Special Sister Poems

Sisters are a hidden blessing. You already know this if you have a sister. Your sister and you have a unique relationship. It’s impossible to convey the comfort you have when you sit and talk with her.

Whether an older or younger sister, you two have seen one another develop. Because of this, your sister is an expert on you. She is aware of your good and bad points. She is aware of both your happy and angry moments.

Explore this article to find some of the finest Special Sister Poems, read them to her, and make her feel special.

1. The Sisters by Judith Wright

In the vine-shadows on the veranda;
under the yellow leaves, in the cooling sun,
sit two sisters. Their slow voices run
like little winter creeks, dwindled by frost and wind,
and the square of sunlight moves on the veranda.

They remember the gay young men on their tall horses
who came courting; the dancing and the smells of leather
and wine, the girls whispering by the fire together;
even their dolls and ponies, all they have left behind
moves in the yellow shadows on the veranda.

Thinking of their lives apart and the men they married
thinking of the marriage-bed and the birth of their first
they look down smiling. “My life was wide and wild,
and who can know my heart? There in that golden jungle
I walk alone,” say the old sisters on the veranda.

2. Chrystal Tears by Chadwick W. Wallace

A child made of sunshine, eyes as blue as sky.
Long silken hair wet from the tears of an unheard cry.
Moonlight shines down upon her face as her soft gaze whispers pain.
All her prayers to a God unseen she fears are all in vain.

She cries like a child in a Godlike embrace,
Tears spill from her eyes as they stream down her face.
I close my eyes, as I hear inside
The song of my sister’s cries.

Sun shines into my soul of flames,
I imbibe it when I get it, but from her it’s not the same.
She runs through my field of dreams, all of which I hope she never has to see.
She’s there when I close my eyes, every second away from her is another tear I cry.

Something warm grows inside her, joy I yearn to see,
Unsung songs of a new dreamer, hymns of the angel young.
Sun shines on her like the smile of a God in liquid blue.

She cries like a child in a Godlike embrace,
Tears spill from her eyes as they stream down her face
I close my eyes as I hear inside
The song of my sister’s cries.

For my sister, Chrystal,
The brightest star in my constantly dark sky.
I love you, and may all your hopes and dreams come true. Good Luck.

Special Sister Poems

3. Sister Sister by Sierra Breeland

My sister is funny
she likes to eat money

I can’t wait till she goes to school
she might have a lot of work to do

I will have to teach her how to spell
I never want to be in hell

My Sister is a tease
She is always making me freeze

She is so great
I do believe in fate

I am only seven
But I know all about heaven

My sister is almost two
I will have to teach her to tie her shoes

My sister I love to death
She is sometimes a mess

My sister i will never forget
She needs to learn not to hit

I love you so
Thank you for being my sister
I will miss you so.


4. Annoying Sisters, I Still Love Them by Felisha A. Barkley

Sisters are so annoying!

Trust me,

I have three.

They do everything they can

to get on my nerves.

Things like pull my hair,

take my stuff,

embarrass me

in front of a really cute guy.

Then when I tell Mom or Dad,

they play it sweet.

Well, guess who gets in trouble.

Not them,


Even though they can be a big pain,

I still love them,

for who they are.

Now that will never change.

5. For My Beloved Sister by Shashi Dhar Kumar

Someone who will understand
Who knows the way I feel
In every situation
Her concern is very real…

Someone who has touched my heart
Who knows my every need
Times when she would see me cry
Her heart would nearly bleed…

Everyone should have a sister
Just the way I do
Even though your far away
Richly blessed is what I am
To have a sister like you…

Special Sister Poems

6. The Woman I Call Sister by Marissa Gertmenian

The woman I call sister
Is someone who is there
The woman I call sister
Is someone who always cares.

The woman I call sister
Can make me smile when times are blue
The woman I call sister
Is someone very true.

The woman I call sister
By choice, is my best of friend
The woman I call sister
Will be there till the end

The woman I call sister
Is the blessing from God above
The woman I call sister
Is the sister that I’ll always love.


7. Sisters by Lucille Clifton

Me and you be sisters.

we be the same.

me and you

coming from the same place.

me and you

be greasing our legs

touching up our edges.

me and you

be scared of rats

be stepping on roaches.

me and you

come running high down purdy street one time

and mama laugh and shake her head at

me and you.

me and you

got babies

got thirty-five

got black

let our hair go back

be loving ourselves

be loving ourselves

be sisters.

only where you sing,

I poet.

8. My Role Model by Sarah Hroszowy

My role model
Is beautiful in body and soul,
Is intellectual, but fun
Will let me call and leave silly messages on the answering machine
(like singing Happy Birthday to myself)

Holds family close to her heart no matter what
Takes pride in her accomplishments
(such as learning how to cook, learning Italian,
building a dream house
AND decorating it beautifully)

Knows it’s ok to cry in front of others
Is always there to listen, give guidance, and a hug
Has a contagious laugh, a continuous smile
And enough pep to scare cheerleaders

She has learned not to sweat the small nuances life thrown at us
Keeps the faith
But most of all
Is wholehearted in her love

My role model, my sister.

9. The Black Swan by Randall Jarrell

When the swans turned my sister into a swan
I would go to the lake, at night, from milking:
The sun would look out through the reeds like a swan,
A swan’s red beak; and the beak would open
And inside there was darkness, the stars and the moon.

Out on the lake, a girl would laugh.
“Sister, here is your porridge, sister,”
I would call; and the reeds would whisper,
“Go to sleep, go to sleep, little swan.”
My legs were all hard and webbed, and the silky

Hairs of my wings sank away like stars
In the ripples that ran in and out of the reeds:
I heard through the lap and hiss of water
Someone’s “Sister . . . sister,” far away on the shore,
And then as I opened my beak to answer

I heard my harsh laugh go out to the shore
And saw – saw at last, swimming up from the green
Low mounds of the lake, the white stone swans:
The white, named swans . . . “It is all a dream,”
I whispered, and reached from the down of the pallet

To the lap and hiss of the floor.
And “Sleep, little sister,” the swan all sang
From the moon and stars and frogs of the floor.
But the swan my sister called, “Sleep at last, little sister,”
And stroked all night, with a black wing, my wings.


10. One Sister Have I In Our House by Emily Dickinson

One Sister have I in our house –
And one a hedge away.
There’s only one recorded,
But both belong to me.

One came the way that I came –
And wore my past year’s gown –
The other as a bird her nest,
Builded our hearts among.

She did not sing as we did –
It was a different tune –
Herself to her a Music
As Bumble-bee of June.

Today is far from Childhood –
But up and down the hills
I held her hand the tighter –
Which shortened all the miles –

And still her hum
The years among,
Deceives the Butterfly;
Still in her Eye
The Violets lie
Mouldered this many May.

I spilt the dew –
But took the morn, –
I chose this single star
From out the wide night’s numbers –
Sue – forevermore!

We hope this article on special sister poems has been interesting. Please endeavour to share these special sister poems with family, friends, and colleagues.

Daily Time Poems.

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