Missing a Sister Who Died

Missing a Sister Who Died (Get Yourself through Grief)

Missing a Sister Who Died –

You’ve arrived to the perfect site if you’re seeking poetry about missing a sister who died. The lovely words can lift us out of the pit of hopelessness. Here is my collection of poetry. I hope it also benefits you.

Missing a Sister Who Died

Missing a Sister Who Died Poems

Many of our most popular and well-received poetry may be found under Death Poems. When we are through great sorrow, such as when a loved one passes away, we often turn to others who have gone through similar circumstances in order to find relief and solace.

Even reading the poetry and tales written by those who are distraught over a loss similar to our own may help us to put our thoughts into words and find comfort for our hurting souls.

Missing My Sister and Best Friend by Belinda Stotler

Belinda wrote the poem roughly six months following her sister’s unexpected death. When she entered her bedroom to change her bandages following a recent operation, she discovered her dead on the floor.

A blood clot caused by the procedure killed her. The poem describes her experience of grieving, from her initial shock to her eventual acceptance.

One morning I found you in eternal sleep;
I tried to wake you as I began to weep,
But all my pleas you could not hear.
Oh, if I could have only kept you near,
Away from the voices of those who went before,
Who beckoned you to come to that distant shore.

I find it so very hard to believe
That you have gone and I must grieve;
I call out your name — you answer not,
And I look for you in every familiar spot.
Everything seems so strange and surreal.
I ask everyday is it a dream or real?

Where are the soft brown eyes of affection?
Where is the laughter and talk of childhood reflection?
Where is the loving care when I was sick or sad?
Where is the generous soul for which I was glad?
Where is the forgiving and understanding heart?
Where are the bonds that were there from the start?


I miss all the little ways you showed you cared,
For there were so many good moments we shared;
Looking back on my life’s assorted scenes,
I realized you taught me what love truly means.
You were my trusted confidante and best friend,
On whose loving support I could always depend.

I look at your smiling face in all my photos.
Memories flood my mind as I touch the mementos
From the happy times you and I have had,
But now these bring tears and make me sad;
For the time together went by in a wink.
Life was not as long as we’d like to think.

Sometimes memories bring comfort and make me smile,
But there are times when grief takes over for a while.
Friends offer gentle words and prayers to console
And tell me what has happened to your loving soul.
Can it be true what they say of time healing grief?
Is it enough when they say death has given you relief?

Can we believe what others say of a better place,
Where our beloved ones rest in God’s warm embrace?
I should be happy you’re free of pain and sorrow,
And rejoice that you’ll always have tomorrow.
How can I then be so heartbroken and selfishly cry?
Return to me from that peaceful place where you lie!

Now I look down at your name on a cold, hard stone
That says little of the loving light you have shone.
It tells nothing of the wonderful person you were
And only serves to remind me of the painful loss I endure;
But I know your kind soul wants no tears or pain.
Instead, you’d want warm memories and love to remain.

Although I cry and stand grief-stricken by your grave,
I promise not to forget the loving memories you gave,
But still I miss you so very much, my sister dear,
And your caring words I once again long to hear;
My heart’s only solace is one day I will see you as before,
Beckoning me to come join you on that white distant shore.

If Only You Could Have Stayed by Catherine Lamberton 

Missing a Sister Who Died

Six days after the unexpected death of her sister, Catherine penned this poem. She was in excellent health when she was taken from her and had undergone two heart transplants.

This poem describes all she was experiencing at the moment and is still experiencing three months later. The wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend she had were all amazing. She will never be forgotten!

Constantly thinking,
never to be the same.
The tears fall quickly
just hearing your name.

Silence is golden,
yet not anymore.
Silence brings thoughts
I just can’t ignore.

The nights are sleepless,
dreams out of reach.
Crying in my pillow
to you I beseech.

Surrounded by family,
I still feel alone.
My heart is so empty.
This pain I must own.


I wish I could hug you
and just see your face.
But now I have memories
to stand in your place.

Gone but not forgotten,
that’s what they say.
Of course that is true
but if only you could have stayed.

Our Hearts are Broken Forever By Grace Bourke

Missing a Sister Who Died

Written for her sister, Sandra. She was just 30 years old when she went suddenly on July 29, 2007. a lovely woman who was on par with her best friend.

Our hearts are broken forever.
People tell us that in time the pieces will eventually come back together.
If this is true, though hard to believe now, there will always be a space,
The piece to which has your name on its place.

Tears have been falling now for so long.
When we think of your beautiful face, it all seems so wrong.
You had so much to look forward to and so much left to do,
But God needed somebody in heaven who is as special as you.

Nothing is the same now, and we doubt it ever will be.
You have been released from pain and suffering; you have been set free.
Your story has touched people, all ages, near and far.
On the night you were taken from us, in the sky was a lone twinkling star.

Was that you to tell us that you had reached home now?
And from life as we knew it, it was time for you to take your final bow.
We miss your voice, your infectious laugh and hearing you sing.
Fashion you loved, and now you have new accessories – a pair of angel’s wings.

The world has lost a wonderful girl, a true and amazing friend.
But maybe her goodness was needed to help and from heaven she needed to send.
You are always around us, engulfing us with your love,
Giving us strength, keeping us close, and watching over us from above.

We really hope that you receive the solace you require. Do well to share these comforting words to others who have lost a dear sister.

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