Loss of a Sister Poem (In Respect for a Dead Sister)
These loss of a sister poem collection brings out the saddest of emotions in us. Reflecting upon our beloved who have died could be a very sad experience.
Poems to Read When You Loss a Sister
These poems are written in commiseration of sisters who are fallen and missed by their living relatives.
The Importance of a Sister (Loss of a Sister Poem)
A sister is someone who loves you from the heart,
No matter how much you argue you cannot be drawn apart.
She is a joy that cannot be taken away,
Once she enters your life, she is there to stay.
A friend who helps you through difficult times,
Her comforting words are worth much more than dimes.
A partner who fills your life with laughs and smile,
These memories last for miles and miles.When she is by your side, the world is filled with life,
When she is not around, your days are full of strife.
A sister is a blessing, who fills your heart with love,
She flies with you in life with the beauty of a dove.A companion to whom you can express your feelings,
She doesn’t let you get bored at family dealings.
Whether you are having your ups or downs,
She always helps you with a smile and never frowns.With a sister you cannot have a grudge,
She is as sweet as chocolate and as smooth as fudge.
Having a sister is not just a trend,
It is knowing you can always turn to her, your best friend.
By, Shiva Sharma
Weep Not For Me
Weep not for me though I have gone
Into that gentle night
Grieve if you will, but not for long
Upon my soul’s sweet flightI am at peace, my soul’s at rest
There is no need for tears
For with your love I was so blessed
For all those many yearsThere is no pain, I suffer not
The fear is now all gone
Put now these things out of your thoughts
In your memory I live onRemember not my fight for breath
Remember not the strife
Please do not dwell upon my death
But celebrate my life
By, Unknown Author
The Final Flight
Don’t grieve for me, for now I’m free,
I’m following the path God laid for me.
I took his hand when I heard his call,
I turned my back and left it all.I could not stay another day,
To laugh, to love, to work, to play.
Tasks left undone must stay that way,
I’ve found that peace at the end of the day.If my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joy.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss,
Ah, yes, these things too I will miss.Be not burdened with times of sorrow,
I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My Life’s been full, I savoured much,
Good friends, good times, a loved one’s touch.Perhaps my time seemed all too brief,
Don’t lengthen it now with undue grief.
Lift up your heart and share with me,
God wanted me now, He set me free.
By, Unknown Author
Sleep, My Sister (Loss of a Sister Poem)
I wish you sweet sleep, my sister dear.
Although there’s so much that you’ve left bare
I hate that you had to endure such pain
On my mind, your saddened eyes have left a stain.I want to know what crossed your mind
Unspoken words you’ve left behind
Undone things we’ll never do
No sharing thoughts you never knew.A peace has fallen upon your head
A taste of sorrow we have been fed
It really is like a hole in our lives
One swiftly dug but carved out by knives.But I have hope that those sleeping will rise
The Bible says that God will open their eyes.
No suffering, sickness, yes not even pain,
Those who did good, eternal life they’ll gain.So… sleep on my sister, sleep tight
For now with you the sky is night.
But after night will come daybreak
Therefore I will wait hoping to see you
By, T. Hutchinson
Last Journey (Loss of a Sister Poem)
There is a train at the station
With a seat reserved just for me
I’m excited about its destination
As I’ve heard it sets you freeThe trials and tribulations
The pain and stress we breathe
Don’t exist were I am going
Only happiness I believeI hope that you will be there
To wish me on my way
It’s not a journey you can join in
It’s not your time todayThere’ll be many destinations
Some are happy, some are sad
Each one a brief reminder
Of the great times that we’ve hadMany friends I know are waiting
Who took an earlier train
To greet and reassure me
That nothing has really changedWe’ll take the time together
To catch up on the past
To build a new beginning
One that will always lastOne day you’ll take your journey
On the train just like me
And i promise that I’ll be there
At the station and you will seeThat Life is just a journey
Enriched by those you meet
No one can take that from you
It’s always yours to keep’But now as no seat is vacant
You will have to muddle through
Make sure you fulfill your ambitions
As you know I’ll be watching youAnd if there’s an occasion
To mention who you knew
Speak kindly of that person
As one day it will be youNow i can’t except this ending
And as it’s time for me to leave
Please make haste to the reception
To enjoy my drinks, they’re free!
By, Timothy Coote
I Never Saw Your Wings (Loss of a Sister Poem)
How is it that I never saw your wings
when you were here with me?
When you closed your eyes and soared
to the Heavens I could hear the
faint flutter of you wings as you left.
Your body no longer on this side
Your spirit here eternally I see your halo shine.
I close my eyes and see the multi-coloured wings
surround me in my saddest moments and my happiest times.
Sister my angel God has given you your assignment
always my sister forever my angel.
You fly into my dreams and when I am asleep
I feel your wings brush against my face wiping away
the tears I shed since I can no longer hold
you in my arms but in my heart.
You earned those wings dear sister
and you will always be my angel eternal.
By, Unknown Author
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Daily Time Poems.