Birthday Love Poems
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Birthday Love Poems (Sweetest Box of Chocolate)

Many people still struggle to put their feelings for their significant other into words, despite the hundreds of countless love songs and sonnets that have been penned throughout the years. Here are some birthday love poems you might like.

Birthday Love Poems

Birthday Love Poems

Birthdays are one time where a spouse should step up. Any event still calls for poetry as a tried-and-true romantic gesture, or as a quick and simple approach to make a toast brief and fun.

Whether a couple has been together for two months or twenty years, this article offers birthday love poems that will satisfy anybody wishing to express their appreciation for their significant other through poetry.

Birthday Cake

A wonderful birthday poem that any couple may enjoy is this one. It is a humorous take on the amount of labor that goes into a typical birthday celebration.

I tried to make you a birthday cake
With frosting, candles and flowers.
But when I went to have a taste –
I have no baking prowess.

The frosting looked like curdled milk,
But you are oh so smooth and charming.
You are beautiful as flowing silk,
But the melting flowers looked alarming.

The cake may have been bland and gross,
But you are always sweet.
So, to the one I love the most,
Accept this poem as your birthday treat.


Wrapping Paper

This is a wonderful birthday love poem to convey your affection and appreciation for a special someone.

I want to cover you in wrapping paper,
Your own birthday surprise,
And I will make sure to put a bow on top,
One that sparkles like your eyes.

You are the most beautiful gift I have ever received,
And I desperately want you to know
What it is like to unwrap a present
That makes your whole world glow.

You light up my world in a million ways
I will never match with paper and ribbon.
All of the glitter that ever existed
Could never match the shine you have given.

I want to cover you in wrapping paper
And ribbons and tags and bows
And anything it takes to show you
How much, every day, my love for you grows.


Close your eyes, and blow out your candles, and silently wish a birthday wish.
When you open them, I will be standing by, waiting to give you a birthday kiss.
We are never supposed to share our wishes, but I am going to tell you mine:
That we spend the rest of our lives sharing little kisses,
Until the end and the end and the end of our time.


500 More

This birthday love poem celebrates a partnership that has endured difficulty together while thriving for anyone who is celebrating their boyfriend or husband’s birthday after five years of being together.

This is our fifth birthday together,
Five years with the man I adore.
Five years of you being too clever,
Five years of leaving your clothes on the floor.
Five years of laughs and of sorrows,
Five years of joys and of pains.

There were days where I thought we would see no tomorrows,
Days when I thought we would drown in the rains.
There were many more days where I could not stop smiling,
Days when my face hurt from laughing so hard.
And after all of the hedging and “after a while-ing,”
I still love you with all of my heart.

This is our fifth birthday together,
Five years with the man I adore.
And I wish we could go on forever,
For one hundred, two hundred, five hundred more.

A List

This lovely poem honors all the little interactions between lovers that add up to a loving union.

I thought for your birthday,
I might list all of the things I love about you.
But that would be entirely too many.
I would not know where even to begin.

Your charming smile?
The way you laugh when you think I cannot hear you,
Louder and freer and totally unconscious
Of how much I love you in that moment?

I would have listed the look in your eye
Before you say a particularly funny joke,
And the feel of your heartbeat,
Steady and loving and mine.

I could have listed ten million things,
And still not have been close to capturing
Exactly what it is about you
That makes me want to get up in the morning
And crawl back into bed beside you at night
And never stop standing silently in the kitchen
Waiting to hear you laugh out loud in the moments before you know I am there.


Wishing a Happy Birthday

A guy might share this romantic birthday poem with his wife. It honors the affection and assistance she has given during the partnership.

Wishing a happy birthday to the love of my life;
Wishing a happy birthday to my beautiful wife.
Wishing a happy birthday to the woman of my dreams,
Who somehow picked up my battered life and fixed all the fraying the seams.
Wishing a happy birthday to the one person I could not live without,
Wishing a happy birthday to the person who saves me when I am full of doubt.
Wishing a happy birthday to someone who is all of this and more,
And is most importantly, and forever, the woman I will always adore.


This humorous birthday poem celebrates the love between a pair even though they annoy one other to no end.

I know I sometimes forget our anniversary.
I know I sometimes leave the dishes in the sink.
I know I scare you when I climb up on the ladder;
I know I make the house too loud for you to think.

I am not always a picnic to live with,
And maybe I will never learn to fold my own socks.
But I love you more than words can say,
And I think that should count for a hell of a lot.

Sometimes, finding the right words for a good friend’s birthday wish doesn’t come easy, moreso, one about love. With this Birthday Love Poems collection, you have a chance at revealing the true intentions of your heart.

Share this with the one you love, telling him/her that they remain in your thoughts and at this moment of celebration. We’d love to read about their excitement upon receiving this.

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