Until We Meet Again Poem (A Dirge to Someone Close)
To eulogize the dead, the poet must commit his tone to the theme of sadness, pain and solemnity. This until we meet again poem allows the reader to pay regards in memory of the dead.
Until We Meet Again Poems for You
If you have lost someone who is really close to your heart before and you want to appreciate their deaths artistically, these poems will prepare you for that mental journey.
Until We Meet Again
So short your time
here with us.
It’s selfish to want you back,
but we miss you so much.
You lit up the world
with your smile and laughter,
and now you’ll watch over us
from heaven, ever after.
You were on your way
to being an amazing man,
but God saw more for you.
He had a greater plan.
We will never forget you.
You’ll always live in our heart,
and with you smiling down on us,
we will never part.
One day the tears will stop,
and the hurt we feel may end,
but you will always live on,
Son, brother, grandson, friend.
So, don’t worry.
We will somehow carry on,
finding comfort and peace
that you’re in heaven above.
We will always miss you.
We will always want you here,
but there are no good-byes
in the waterfall of tears.
We shall meet once more.
Your smile we will see again,
but you’ve just started what we all long for,
A life in heaven that has no end.
And though the world is a little darker
without you to light up our days,
we will see your smile forevermore
in the twinkling stars and shining sun’s rays.
Until we meet again, my friend .
By, Heather Flood
Rose Penumbra (until we meet again poem)
As the sun sets into the mountains,
In the western Colorado skies,
I search for you.
You are,
Out there.
As the stars begin their celestial flight,
And Jupiter begins to rise in the cool October night,
I search for you.
You are,
Out there.
And I am just but a lone earth bound shadow in the night.
Galaxies apart were you and I.
You left this world at 26 with no good-bye.
I will never understand,
Why you chose to die.
I search for you.
You are,
Out there.
And I am just but a lone earth bound shadow in the night.
Wishing on every falling star,
And the meteor showers raining down,
I question.
Have you seen her?
Have you seen her?
And then my Love,
My Love,
You who were lost to me,
In this universe,
Are then found.
Time stands still.
And the earth stops spinning.
For just a moment,
We are two shadows,
Dancing in the night.
You, my beloved daughter,
And I.
I watch the moon beams flicker in your eyes.
They rise up and fill my heart with light.
Earth bound,
You strived to be.
As God and Venus watch over us,
I hold you close,
Kiss you,
Then set you free.
Burning big and bright,
Bursting forth,
My Comet,
My Daughter,
My Joy,
My Everlasting Delight.
And in the early morning light,
I am forever after changed.
I am no longer just but a lone earth bound shadow in the night.
My search for you is over.
I’m letting go,
And giving up this fight.
I’ve finally been able to say good-bye.
Like a Shadow,
Like a Comet,
A Spirit never really dies.
It only changes form,
And soon again will rise.
I am forever after changed.
Now knowing,
You will always be,
Out there,
Always dancing with me.
And you my Love,
My Love,
By, Julie N. Partch Hawbaker
Eternal Tomorrows (Until We Meet Again Poem)
Life is full of joy and sorrow,
past, present, and tomorrow.
Knowing life as I do now,
I still have questions of why and how.
I can’t remember my very first cry;
will I have any memories after I die?
I’d like to believe we’re all here for good reason,
and life upon earth is but for a season,
with hopes we long continue on
in a much better place after we’ve gone,
pondering how very sad it would be
if after I die there was nothing of me.
Even so much sadder than this
are those loved ones I love and a very last kiss!
I can’t imagine how love ever dies
the last time that we close our eyes.
There’s something deep inside my being
that promises much more than just our seeing!
To me there’s only one conclusion.
Heaven is real; it’s not a delusion.
Love must be the everlasting key
that transcends our souls to eternity.
Since our time on earth has been season to season,
why wouldn’t God continue His reason?
This heavenly place must truly exist,
filled with souls we’ve deeply missed,
No more pain, tears, or sorrows.
Only loved-filled, joyful eternal tomorrows!
My Experience of Death (Until We Meet Again Poem)
I lay here alone,
on cold concrete and stone,
my body broken and weak,
in recognition of my impending defeat.
Only pain and fear I feel now,
as I am slipping away,
how much I desire,
to see the sun rise the next day.
I no longer fear,
my journey ahead,
for it will not be long
and I shall be dead.
For I am at peace
and accept my fate,
help has arrived,
but I fear it’s too late.
Taking my last breath,
as I look upon the clouds,
my eyes feel heavy
and I’m hearing muffled sounds.
I am moments from death,
and all I can feel,
is my beating heart,
starting to fail.
All is silent now,
for I am gone,
off on my new journey,
to find my new home.
By, Dathan Eldridge
Happy Heavenly Birthday (Until We Meet Again Poem)
No presents bought, no candles blown; this year you walk on streets of gold,
And it’s so much more than the stories you’ve been told.
The sun is shining on your face,
and you’re standing in all of God’s good grace.
There were people there to meet you at that pearly gate.
Promise for me there too you will wait.
The angels no longer sing from up above;
but hand in hand together, you sing about God’s love.
No more pain, no more strife,
but the gift of eternal life.
The sufferings of this world are left behind.
You made your mark; your life was not left undefined.
You told people of your Savior’s love and how he died for you and me
so we could spend our time praising him for all eternity.
Someday we’ll meet again,
for time is just a vapor in the wind.
But until that day comes, I will miss you every day.
I just wanted to wish you a happy heavenly birthday.
By, Jodi M. Kucera
In Summary, we must always appreciate poetry not just as an art but as a rite or spiritual experience, for poetry is beyond the ordinary literature you read in books or study in school.
It is a participatory activity that unites man, his nature and the universe.
This dirge poetry compilation in respect of the dead we have lost to the universe shows us how much of a nexus poetry can be, a connection point to everything.
Daily Time Poems.