Beautiful Poems All Best Friends Must Read Together
Best Friend Poems paint the narratives that we all need someone who loves without prejudices and supports without a need to be refunded. Having a good best friend can be the most beautiful experience you will ever be exposed to.
Beautiful Poems for Best Friends
Best friend poems are written solely to celebrate the influence and contribution of our closest buddy, highlighting their impact and contributions to our lives. These best friend poems will spark a feeling of love and admiration for friends.
Best Friends Forever (Best Friend Poems)
Best Friends
The title we chose
But what does it mean to be “best friends”?
You should see each other every day?
Well that’s not true for you and me
Should silly little fights get in our way?
Only if that’s how it’s meant to be
Should we give?
Should we borrow?
Should we dance like there’s not tomorrow?
Secrets are traded
Privacy invaded
Hugs and smiles are shared
Tears are shed
Love is spread
We know that we both really cared
I smile, you smile
You cry, I cry
I wish, you wish
You die, I die
If you fall
I’ll help you up
And if you call
I’ll always pick up
Best Friends Forever
The promise we made
And I know in my heart
That it will never fade
By, Melissa Magaliff
Through Thick And Thin
I could skip a heartbeat, and I would survive.
I could be in a car crash and still be alive.
The clouds could fall out of the sky.
The oceans could disappear and all turn dry.These things in life are all bad, I know,
but there’s far worse things, just thought you should know.Life would not be the same without someone like you.
You’re there when I need you to help me through.
Through the good times and through the bad,
Be them happy or be them sad.I don’t have to be with you to know you’re there.
We don’t have to see each other to know that we care.
We could be apart for years upon end
and still remain the best of friends.Life goes on, and people change,
And through it all, our friendship shall remain the same.
That’s such as life and how things come to be.
Just thought you should know how much you mean to me!
By, Annie Hall
How good to lie a little while
And look up through the tree!
The Sky is like a kind big smile
Bent sweetly over me.The Sunshine flickers through the lace
Of leaves above my head,
And kisses me upon the face
Like Mother, before bed.The Wind comes stealing o’er the grass
To whisper pretty things;
And though I cannot see him pass,
I feel his careful wings.So many gentle Friends are near
Whom one can scarcely see,
A child should never feel a fear,
Wherever he may be.
By, Abbie Farwell Brown
A Friend
A friend like you is hard to find,
one that touches you deep inside.
You’ve given me strength to carry on,
you’ve offered your hand to hold on.
When times are tough, I know you’re there
to offer support and show you care.
If not for you, I would have drowned,
but you help keep me on solid ground.
I believe you were sent from the man above
because he knows the strength of your love.
You show that love in so many ways.
It helps me get through my darkest of days.
So for that, I write this poem for you
and tell you from my heart, THANK YOU!
By, Lisa M. Chapin
Friends Like You
I wanted to do something special for you,
so you would know how much
you are loved and appreciated. It always amazes me that you
can give so much of yourself,
and still be willing to do more whenever someone needs your help.
You are truly an inspiration,
and I would like to think
that I am a better person for knowing you.
I know sometimes it seems
as though all of your
hard work and devotion go unappreciated,
but people really do notice
how much you do for others. With each little gesture you make,
you change lives, even though
you don’t realize it.
It’s people like you who make
the world a better place,
and because you would never
admit that to yourself,
I wanted to say it to you.When God sends us angels,
they come to us as friends like you.
By, Unknown
It Speaks of Friendship
When you open up this bottle
And read these words from me
Press your ear so gently to the top
And listen to the sea.For the sea, it speaks of friendship
Such as ours – that lasts so long
That even Heaven’s nightingale
Can’t sing another song.When you hear the waves a’ rolling
And you dream of ocean blue,
Know that I will always be there
When you need a friend that’s true.If you need me, you can call me,
If you can’t, I’ll be right here
In this bottle, in this message,
With my love – I will be near.
By, Anonymous
7. Good Friends (Best Friend Poems)
You and I are good friends
On that we both agree.
It means that I am here for you
And you are there for me.We know each other’s secrets
We share our dreams and hopes
We help each other stay upright
Along life’s slippery slopes.We might not speak for days or weeks…
Perhaps a month will pass
But each knows that the other
will be there to the last.So, know – my friend, I love you.
This message makes it clear.
Good friends are forever.
By, Anonymous
8. A Friend From Above (Best Friend Poems)
I prayed for you before we met…
Not knowing what you’d be,
I asked the Lord to send a friend.
One chosen just for me…I asked that they’d be Godly
With wisdom of his ways.
A friend to help and guide me
In the troubles of these days…So often in life, we need someone
To listen while we talk.
Someone who will not condemn or judge
But encourage us as we walk.The narrow road we choose to follow
May sometimes make us stumble.
But to have a friend to catch our fall
Teaches us to be humble.When I asked The Lord to send a friend
Though many came and went…
He gave much more than I asked
For you are the friend HE sent.
By, Unknown
You (Best Friend Poems)
I still remember the first day we met
We were too shy to say much at all
It’s funny to think back to that time
Because now we’re having a ball!They say that true friendship is rare
An adage that I believe to be true
Genuine friendship is something that I cherish
I am so lucky to have met you.Our bond is extremely special
It is unique in its own way
We have something irreplaceable
I love you more and more each day.We’ve been through so much together
In so little time we’ve shared
I will never forget all the moments
that you’ve shown me how much you cared.Friends are forever
Especially the bond that you and I possess
I love your fun-filled personality
Somehow you never fail to impress.The world could use more people like you
it would certainly be a better place
I love everything about you
You are someone I could never replace.You are always there for me
When my spirits need a little lift
I cannot thank you enough for that
You are truly an extraordinary gift.You are everything to me and more
I could never express that enough
Life is such a treacherous journey, and
Without you it would be even more tough.Our story will continue to grow
With each passing day
Because I trust that with you by my side
Everything will always be Okay.You are so dear to me
You know I will love you until the end
I will always be there for you, and
You will always (and forever) be my best friend.
By, Margery Wang
The Good News (Best Friend Poems)
A friend calls, so I ask him to stop by.
We sip old Scotch, the good stuff, order in,
some Indian—no frills too fine for him
or me, particularly since it’s been
ages since we made the time.Two drinks in, we’ve caught up on our plans.
I’ve sleepwalked through the last few years by rote;
he’s had a nasty rough patch, quote unquote,
on the home front. So, we commiserate,
cupping our lowballs in our hands.It’s great to see him, good to have a friend
who feels the same as you about his lot—
that, while some grass is greener, your small plot
is crudely arable, and though you’re not
so young, it’s still not quite the end.As if remembering then, he spills his news.
Though I was pretty lit, I swear it’s true,
it was as if a gold glow filled the room
and shone on him, a sun-shaft piercing through
dense clouds, behind which swept long views.In that rich light, he looked not like my friend
but some acquaintance brushed by on the train.
Had his good fortune kept me from the same,
I had to wonder, a zero-sum game
that gave the night its early end?Nothing strange. Our drinks were done, that’s all.
We haven’t spoken since. By morning, I
couldn’t remember half of what the guy
had said, just his good news, my slurred goodbye,
the click of the latch, the quiet hall.
By, David Yezzi
The Delicacy (Best Friend Poems)
Friend, remember how you showed us beasts love beauty?
We were wading in your lake with bluegills and you said,
Be careful, you will lose your beauty marksTo their little jaws. We were a delicacy. From us they purchased
The darkest part of the skin, only what contrasts on us.
And it was more than a pinch or sting,It’s a sensation of hunger
That makes us spring off the bottom and swim out deep
And safe. “No blue stripes on cheeks; no red on fins;Old individual’s belly coppery red or brassy.”
As others see you, I think these indicate,
Who would have you all one shade then wouldn’t have you.At your full table later, over muskellunge and lemon,
We read in the book the fish that liked us
Has certain maxillaries “wholly wanting.” Your gourmet bluegill:It lives in the eye of the beholder, it swims the vitreous
Humor, would eat even your blind spot!
But we think we can paddle out there until all
Goes dark, and we are wholly desirable, and too much.
By, Sandra McPherson
Thank You My Friend (Best Friend Poems)
I just wanted to say thank you…
For what, you ask?
Thank you for making my
world a brighter place…
Thank you for taking the time
to listen to my problems,
though you had to set aside your own…
Thank you for being such a beautiful,
caring person…
Thank you for proving that
people still do care…
Thank you for being my friend…
Thank you for being you…
By, Unknown
Best Friend (Best Friend Poems)
You are my best friend; you belong in my heart.
We go through ups and downs, but still nothing can tear us apart.
I know you as a sister, and I will always care.
Love, respect, and trust are the things we share.I know you as a person; I especially know you as a friend.
Our friendship is something that will never end.
Right now, this second, this minute, this day,
Our sisterhood is here, is here to stay.My friendship with you is special and true.
When we are together, we stick like glue.
When I’m in the darkness that needs some light,
When you’re by my side, I know things are all right.Our friendship is so strong; it breaks down bars.
Our friendship is also bright, like the sun and the stars.
If we were in a competition for friendships, we would get a gold,
Because responsibility and cleverness are the keys we hold.I met you as a stranger, took you as a friend.
I hope our long friendship will never end.
Our friendship is like a magnet; it pulls us together,
Because no matter where we are, our friendship will last forever!
By, Mizscorpio
I Am Always There – You’re Never Alone
When you’re feeling down and blue,
And life is being cruel to you,
Just remember you’re not on your own.
I’m always there; you’re never alone.
You might not be able to see my face,
As hard as you look around the place,
But close your eyes and think of me,
And before you know it, there will be me.
Keep me in the midst of your mind,
And life will seem easier, I think you’ll find,
So when life gets too dark to bear,
Just close your eyes and I will be there.
By, Ashley Becker
Our Friendship (Best Friend Poems)
I met you as a stranger, then took you as my friend.
Our friendship is something that will never end.
When I was in darkness that needed some light,
You came to me and hugged me tight.You took my hands and dried my tears.
You woke me up to end my fears.
You took my hand and made me see
That God has a special plan for me.You helped me laugh
When I was sad.
You made me tough
When I felt bad.Our friendship made me see the light.
Our friendship showed to me what was right.
I hope our friendship will never bend.
I hope our friendship will never end.
By, Rogelio Morados
My Dearest Friend (Best Friend Poems)
For those whom pray for us when times are harsh.
To these we doth confide our dearest love;
To stand alone to know that we’ve a friend,
A soul whom lives for us, and better still,
A being whom we trust with all our heart
Whom leaves our space and plays a life alone:
This is the greatest gift for one to have.And I am fond to breathe my air within
The solemn grasp of those whom wish my glare
To see the eyes of one tremendous child
With which their songs are heard and ever sung;I love to hear the voice of these whom speak
And leave me with a sense of harmony
Far better than the ode I call my own.My dearest friend, you’ve been here all along.
Do stay awhile and sift thru life with us.
By, Marc-Alexandre Gagnon
My Best Friend (Best Friend Poems)
I can’t give solutions to all of life’s problems, doubts,
or fears. But I can listen to you, and together we will
search for answers.I can’t change your past with all it’s heartache and pain,
nor the future with its untold stories.
But I can be there now when you need me to care.I can’t keep your feet from stumbling.
I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it and not fall.Your joys, triumphs, successes, and happiness are not mine;
Yet I can share in your laughter.Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge;
I can only support you, encourage you,
and help you when you ask.I can’t prevent you from falling away from friendship,
from your values, from me.
I can only pray for you, talk to you and wait for you.I can’t give you boundaries which I have determined for you,
But I can give you the room to change, room to grow,
room to be yourself.I can’t keep your heart from breaking and hurting,
But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces
and put them back in place.I can’t tell you who you are.
I can only love you and be your friend.
By, Jana C. Souder
Our Friendship (Best Friend Poems)
Our friendship is a treasure
that I cherish with all my heart.Our friendship is enduring,
even though we’re far apart.It’s a big world you know,
and if things get hard out there.Remember that you have a friend
waiting for you here.I wish you the best of luck
and hope your dreams come true.Just remember you have a friend
who wants to hear from you.
By, Anonymous
My Best Friend (Best Friend Poems)
Best friends are angels
That God sent along.
They always stay beside you
Whenever things go wrong.I’m glad that God blessed me,
With a good friend such as you.
A person to be there,
A person to get me through.Never turn away from me.
I can’t bear to be apart.
All the pain and suffering
Will be too much for my heart.You are my best friend,
The one who brightens my day.
The one who cheers me up,
The one who’s here to stay.
By, Geraldine
To My Treasured Friend (Best Friend Poems)
Though there is gold up in the mountains,
Lovely pearls deep in the sea,
Those treasures do not mean as much
As your friendship means to me.
While diamonds may be beautiful,
And worth a lot of money,
They cannot give a warm embrace
Or share jokes we think are funny.
I know it’s true some people
Will collect much priceless art,
Yet I have never seen a picture
That showed me a loving heart.
So I don’t need to spend a fortune
To have what means the most to me.
Knowing that I have had your friendship
Will be a treasured memory.
By, Alora M. Knight
These best friend poems invoke empathy, love, and compassion for our best friends as we relish the affection and love portrayed by these poets and writers. These poems open us to a great show of love and care for friends and loved ones.
Daily Time Poems.