Poems About First Love

Poems About First Love – 12 Poems of the Start of Your Love Experience

Poems about the first love just bring back a lot of memories if you are in love and if you aren’t, will act as a juice to fuel your interest.

Falling in love for the first time can be the most satisfying event in a person’s life. Getting to meet someone who ignites your romantic side and makes you feel loved and cherished. The first love experience is usually very exciting and passionate.

A desire to express the intense feeling of love and passionate emotions is the driving force of poems about first love.

These poems about first love transport the readers to the first moment they fell in love which brings a sense of excitement and fulfillment.

Let’s check them out already.

1. Title: “Only Us”

Resting my head upon your chest,
Enveloped by your arms, I find my nest.
It felt, My Love, as if we were meant to be,
In sync with God’s grand symphony.

I closed my eyes, your heartbeat I could hear,
Your gentle smile, a whisper in my hair.
Never before so whole and safe,
Our hearts synchronized, a harmonious landscape.

Our gazes met, you spoke of love unyielding,
I kissed your face, the truth revealing.
In that moment, clarity did begin,
As if in Heaven, our souls were akin.

Beneath stars that softly gleam,
Our love, a timeless, celestial dream.
In the tranquil embrace of this divine night,
Our spirits entwined, taking flight.

Only Us - Poems About First Love

2. Title: “Fly Away Butterflies”

Fluttering butterflies say I’m not prepared,
My mind urges slow and steady, be spared.
Yet, I just want to love you,
Hold you close, make our dreams come true.

So, butterflies, take flight, leave my sight,
Let me delve into his eyes, pure and bright.
Let him raise me into the night,
Where his love will shine forever, so bright.

Now I know, yes, I am ready,
Let’s embrace a journey, slow and steady.
I’ll give you my heart, play my part,
Confident you’ll never break it apart.

Fly away, butterflies, depart the scene,
As I lose myself in his gaze serene.
When he lifts me into the night,
He’s all I need, my eternal light.

Fly Away Butterflies - Poems About First Love

3. Title: “What Love is Like”

Love echoes the howling wind’s relentless play,
Never just a breeze, nor a simple display.
Unpredictable, in constant shift,
Captivating, boundless, its emotional lift.

To confine it means grappling within,
Facing effects head-on, like a relentless spin.
Harsh, swift, or gently calming,
Love transforms the selfish, selfless embalming.

Overflowing joy, escaping control,
Swiftly in and out, taking its toll.
In the blink of an eye, the storm moves past,
Leaving us dazed, bewildered, memories amassed.

Helplessly sifting through emotional debris,
Lost, seeking what sets the heart free.
In solitude, awaiting love’s next gentle tease,
Embrace its arrival, open your heart with ease.

What Love is Like - Poems About First Love

4. Title: “First Love”

Childhood crush, my heart’s quick race,
Adrenaline surges, a silent embrace.
I tell my heart to quiet down,
Yet, the truth is, I don’t want to hush, not now.

For the love I hold, a secret untold,
Daring to speak, a story unfolds.
Here’s a secret, not often heard,
In the script of life, you’re my chosen word.

If life were a play, you’d be my destiny,
Though it may seem a bit stormy.
In the midst of this seeming misery,
It’s our unique and enduring story.

Through all the mess, I must confess,
Fell in love, in this wild caress.
Yes, I confess, with no artifice,
You, my first love, hold my heart’s bliss.

First Love - Poems About First love

5. Title: “Only Us”

Laid my head upon your chest
Your arms encircled me,
It was, My Love, as if we were
What God meant us to be,

I closed my eyes and heard your heart
Your soft smile in my hair,
I’d never felt so whole and safe
Our hearts beating as a pair,

You found my eyes and told me of
A love for me undying,
I kissed your face and knew right then
It was in Heaven we were lying.

Underneath celestial skies, we found
A love profound, forever bound,
Our souls entwined, a divine decree,
In that moment, love’s eternity.

Only Us - Poems About First Love

6. Title: “The Feel Of First Love”

Wonder fills my heart’s vast space,
Smiles come more, a radiant embrace.
Petty annoyances hold me no more,
Humming my melody, an inner encore.

Someone’s on my mind all day,
Rewinding moments, in my thoughts they stay.
Heart’s anticipation, a dance in the rain,
A joyous rhythm, erasing every pain.

No more frets for unseen thunders,
Worries fade like distant wonders.
Loving the present, a gift anew,
A story unfolds, vibrant and true.

Indeed, something has shifted, something is new,
I’ve unraveled the secret, and here’s the cue.
Darling, it’s clear and oh, so true,
The change is you, my heart’s breakthrough.

The Feel Of First Love - Poems About First Love

7. Title: “Remember Your First Love”

Recall your initial love’s embrace,
How emotions surged, leaving a trace.
His name’s echo, a heart-melting sound,
In that moment, a connection profound.

Think back to the hope, a soul lifted high,
His stripes healing, making you fly.
Joy, an elation deep and true,
Dedicating your life to Jesus, anew.

Reflect on grace, a cleansing shower,
God’s mercy, making every moment flower.
Recall your First Love’s tender appeal,
Renew that feeling, let your spirit heal.

If the memory has started to fade,
It’s time to rekindle the zeal that was laid.
Remember how Jesus made you feel,
Rediscover that love, let your faith reveal.

Remember Your First Love - Poems About First Love

8. Title: “Forgiven”

You were like a shining light
Into the darkness of my life
I was taken back by the way you smiled
I knew from the start you’d always have my heart.

You held my fragile heart in your hands
For what seemed like forever
We grew apart when you left
Never an intention

I forgive you for everything my love
Although I shouldn’t
I forgive you for things
I thought I couldn’t

Thank you for showing me
Even for a short while
That a single smile
Can change your life

Forgiven - Poems About First Love

9. Title: “Little Angel

I am in love with a little angel
Who I see at the bus stop each day
It’s been more than a year now
But I can never find the words to say

And if I could, should I say them?
Or should I keep my feelings to myself
Never speaking my love aloud
And spend my lifetime on the shelf

Maybe some day I will tell her
Of the deep love that I conceal
But I think that she will laugh at me
If I dared to tell her how I feel.

So each morning I will smile
At my sweet angel so petite
And not speak to her of love
But stare nervously at my feet.

Little Angel - Poems About First Love

10. Title: “What Love Is Like”

Love echoes like the howling wind’s embrace,
More than a breeze, never a simple space.
Unpredictable, in constant shift,
Captivating, endless, its emotional lift.

To contain it means wrestling with the self,
Feeling its effects fully, like a tempest’s stealth.
Harsh and fast, or gentle and calming,
Love transforms, making hearts charming.

Overflowing joy, a challenge to hold,
Love breezes in and out, its story unfolds.
In a blink, the storm swiftly passed,
Leaving us dazed, confusion amassed.

Helplessly sifting through emotional debris,
Lost, seeking what the heart longs to see.
Alone, waiting for the next love’s tease,
Embrace its arrival, open your heart with ease.

What Love Is Like - Poems About First Love

11. Title: “Can’t Live”

You’re my heartbeat, my life,
In your presence, my world is rife.
When we fracture, it cuts like a knife,
Yet, your face and smile alleviate the strife.

Your beauty, a grace,
Your smile, a dazzling trace.
What we share, a sweet embrace,
An enduring bond, a love’s chase.

You’re the one, so distinct,
Since we met, life’s been succinct.
Fun and laughter, our pact,
A journey together, perfectly intact.

Can’t go without your touch,
Can’t live without you, as such.
Forever here, my love holds clutch,
In my heart, you mean so much.

Can’t Live - Poems About First love

12. Title: “First Ever Love”

The moment you brushed back your bangs,
Under the apple tree, a sight that hangs.
A flower-comb adorned your hair,
You, a bloom in the open air.

Your pale hand extended gently,
An apple offered, ripening red, intently.
Autumn fruit, the hue of love’s start,
My first taste of love, captivating heart.

Unaware, my sigh brushed your hair,
Joys of love’s offerings, beyond compare.
Drinking the essence of your love’s trace,
Under the apple tree, a tender embrace.

Nature’s narrow road, a scene so divine,
Who left this token beneath the vine?
Your question, a pleasure, sharp and sweet,
Under the apple orchard, where love’s paths meet.

First Ever Love - Poems About First Love

Poems about first love are powerful in the way they provoke a feeling of love and romance in the hearts of the readers.

These poems about first love are intriguing and compelling as they are relatable to everyone irrespective of race, color, or creed. It is all about love!

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