Poems about Dads

Poems about Dads – 15 Poems to Give Him the Best Father’s Day

Half of our genetic composition is passed down from our dads. The way we interact with our fathers influences who we will become.

People in various societal groups grow up never knowing their dads. This is regrettable since men ought to be just as crucial to a child’s upbringing as mothers.

For a daughter, a father serves as the ideal example of a guy, and she will select a partner who resembles him. A parent also serves as an example for his son. Thankfully, there is a trend toward fathers being more involved in their kids’ lives.

1. Title: “Silent, Strong Dad”

He never looks for praises.
He’s never one to boast.
He just goes on quietly working
For those he loves the most.

His dreams are seldom spoken.
His wants are very few,
And most of the time his worries
Will go unspoken, too.

He’s there…a firm foundation
Through all our storms of life,
A sturdy hand to hold onto
In times of stress and strife.

A true friend we can turn to
When times are good or bad.
One of our greatest blessings,
The man that we call Dad.

Silent, Strong Dad - Poems about Dads

2. Title: “My Dad”

If I could write a story,
It would be the greatest ever told.
I’d write about my daddy,
For he had a heart of gold.

My dad, he was no hero
Known around this world.
He was everything to me,
For I was his baby girl.

I’d write about the lessons.
He taught me right from wrong.
He instilled in me the values
That one day I’d be strong.

If I could write a story,
It would be the greatest ever told.
I’d write about my daddy,
For he had a heart of gold.

My Dad - Poems about Dads

3. Title: “Tears in My Daddy’s Eyes”

Always there when I faced the fall,
My anchor, steadfast, strong and tall.
His stern face softens just for me,
A gentler side, carefree and free.

Prepared to stand on my own,
Tears come, he holds me, not alone.
Strives to be strong, no tear in sight,
Ready to reach for stars, sky’s vast height.

As I venture forth on my own quest,
He supports me, heart within my chest.
Tears may fall, but strength remains,
Guided by love that forever sustains.

In the journey ahead, uncertainty may brew,
Yet, with his lessons, I’ll see it through.
A pillar of strength, though time may fly,
His love, my anchor, will never die.

Tears in My Daddy's Eyes - Poems about Dads

4. Title: “Family Circle”

Always there when I faced the fall,
My anchor, steadfast, strong and tall.
His stern face softens just for me,
A gentler side, carefree and free.

Prepared to stand on my own,
Tears come, he holds me, not alone.
Strives to be strong, no tear in sight,
Ready to reach for stars, sky’s vast height.

As I venture forth on my own quest,
He supports me, heart within my chest.
Tears may fall, but strength remains,
Guided by love that forever sustains.

In the journey ahead, uncertainty may brew,
Yet, with his lessons, I’ll see it through.
A pillar of strength, though time may fly,
His love, my anchor, will never die.

Family Circle - POems about Dads

5. Title: “Memories of My Dad”

He wasn’t a hero known worldwide,
But to his little girl, a hero inside.
Daddy, a god who knew all things,
Better than Santa, the gifts he’d bring.

His voice I knew before I could speak,
Lovingly singing me to sleep.
Changing diapers, staying up all night,
In weakness, he’d hold me tight.

Returning home late, words few,
Taught me to pray as the evening grew.
Life’s lessons on right from wrong,
Values instilled, making me strong.

Through the years, like a hero stood,
Working hard to provide all he could.
His presence, important, his smile, a style,
No one could match in the world, worthwhile.

Memories of My Dad - Poems about Dads

6. Title: “Life Lessons

You may have thought I didn’t see,
Or assumed I hadn’t heard,
Life lessons that you gave to me,
But I caught every word.

Perhaps you believed I missed it all,
And we’d drift far apart,
Dad, I absorbed everything,
It’s etched upon my heart.

Without you, Dad, I wouldn’t be
The person I am today;
You laid a sturdy foundation,
No one can take away.

I’ve embraced your values,
And I’m truly glad I did;
Here’s to you, dear father,
From your forever grateful kid.

Life Lessons - Poems about Dads

7. Title: “I’m Happy You’re My Dad”

I feel secure when you’re near;
Fun things to do, you make clear.
You enhance my life in every way;
The best father, that’s what I say.

Happy that you’re my Dad,
So, on this special day, I’m glad
To express my love to you,
Wishing a Happy Father’s Day, too!

You guide me with wisdom and care,
Teaching lessons beyond compare.
Your presence makes my world bright,
Grateful for you, Dad, day and night.

In laughter and love, you lead the way,
Making my life brighter each day.
I appreciate all that you do,
Happy Father’s Day, with love so true!

I'm Happy You're My Dad - Poems about Dads

8. Title: “Hero Dad

Dad, my hero, firm foundation,
Thoughts of you bring admiration.
You provide a sense of security,
Filled with love and warm sincerity.

Under your care, I feel protected,
In your friendship, I’m connected.
Always there when I’m in need,
You’re my guide, my anchor indeed.

A place of honor in my heart,
From the very start,
You’ve been my superhero, Dad,
Playing a role no one else had.

In the tapestry of my life’s art,
Your influence, a cherished part.
Grateful for the love you impart,
Forever bonded, never to depart.

Hero Dad - Poems about Dads

9. Title: “Terrific Father

Dad, you’re excelling in your role,
A star at fatherly duties, taking control.
Celebrate the terrific father you are,
Deserving of admiration, near and far.

You’re doing a fantastic job each day,
So, with respect and admiration, we say,
Happy Father’s Day, with cheers and praise,
For the wonderful dad you are in all ways!

Your guidance and love, a steady hand,
In every moment, you truly understand.
Through challenges and joys, you steer,
A dad so great, we hold dear.

Let this day be filled with joy,
For the love and care you employ.
In your honor, our hats we raise,
Happy Father’s Day, in heartfelt praise!

Terrific Father - Poems about Dads

10. Title: “The Perfect Father

I love you, my father so dear,
But more than that, it’s crystal clear.
You’re my guide, companion strong,
Our rapport, where we both belong.

Attentive always, you lend an ear,
Listening, words of wisdom near.
Guiding me along life’s way,
In your plan, troubles sway.

In times of need, you understand,
A perfect father, I’m your biggest fan.
Admiration for you, ever near,
As your fan, I hold you dear.

With each passing day and year,
Our bond grows strong, sincere.
I cherish the role you play,
Happy Father’s Day, in every way!

The Perfect Father - Poems about Dads

11. Title: “Without You, Dad

Without you, dear Dad,
My true self would fade.
You’ve been with me
From my life’s first trade.

Entwined in my being,
Right from the start.
You’re my life, my soul,
My enduring heart.

Through every trial, joy, and strife,
You’ve shaped the essence of my life.
A constant presence, a guiding part,
You’re the beat within my heart.

In moments big and small,
You’ve stood by me, never to fall.
A pillar of strength, my guiding star,
Dad, you’re cherished, near and far.

Without You, Dad - Poems about Dads

12. Title: “The King

Dad, admiration fills me today,
Strength of home, you pave the way.
For advice and help, you’re the go-to,
Capable of all, a king so true.

Respect for you, Dad, runs deep,
More than words can fully sweep.
With love on this special day,
Happy Father’s Day, I convey!

In moments big and small,
You’re the one I look up to overall.
A pillar of strength, my guiding light,
Dad, you make everything feel just right.

Your wisdom and love, a steady guide,
In every challenge, you’re right beside.
Happy Father’s Day, heartfelt cheer,
For being the best, year after year.

The King - Poems about Dads

13. Title: “Perfect Dad Blend

Glad you’re my father, truly the best,
As a dad, you outshine the rest.
Smart and strong, a perfect blend,
Father, counselor, and a true friend.

In wisdom and guidance, you excel,
A source of strength, as stories tell.
Blessed to have you by my side,
In your love and care, I confide.

You’re more than a parent, you’re a guide,
Through challenges, you’re always beside.
A bond so strong, it’ll never bend,
Grateful for you, my dear dad and friend.

On this day, let my love be expressed,
For you, my father, truly the best.
In your presence, joy knows no end,
Happy Father’s Day, my lifelong friend.

Perfect Dad Blend - Poems about Dads

14. Title: “My Anchor

Dad, your enduring love,
My anchor in any storm above.
With your time and attention so true,
I feel safe, secure, and warm with you.

I love you, Dad, that’s a fact.
Great in every way, that’s exact.
Wishing you happiness today,
Happy Father’s Day, in every way.

Through ups and downs, you stand strong,
A source of love that’s never wrong.
In your presence, joy takes form,
Grateful for you, my anchor in the storm.

May your day be filled with cheer,
For you, Dad, are so dear.
In your love, I find my way,
Happy Father’s Day, today and always.

My Anchor - Poems about Dads

15. Title: “If Everyone Had a Father Like You

With a father like you, so true,
Laughter, joy, and singing ensue.
Understanding would prevail,
Crime and hate would surely fail.

Contentment would fill every heart,
No need for jails to play a part.
With a father like you, it’s clear,
Blessings would abound, far and near.

In your presence, the world’s at rest,
A father’s love, truly the best.
If everyone were as blessed as I,
The world would echo your love, oh high.

So let’s aspire to your loving cue,
Spread joy and understanding, too.
With a father like you, tried and true,
The world would shine in a brighter hue.

If Everyone Had a Father Like You - Poems about Dads

We hope this strengthens the bond between you and your father. Do well to share this poem with him and let us know which of these poems appeals to you the most.

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