Marvel Jokes

30+ of the Best Marvel Puns and Jokes to Brighten Your Day

There are numerous reasons why we enjoy watching Marvel movies. We occasionally just need to get away from the daily grind. And yes, the eight-year-old in us still wants to picture a future in which feats of superhuman strength and teleportation are possible.

Marvel Jokes

But the Marvel gags are one of our favorite aspects of the MCU. Seriously, consider how absurdly comic characters like Captain America, Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, and Captain Marvel can be.

Never-ending funny one-liners With let’s not even begin to discuss Iron Man, a.k.a. Tony Stark, and his highly developed sense of sarcasm.

You’re aware of the adage “with power comes tremendous responsibility.” So put on your cape and spread these hilarious Marvel superhero jokes like wildfire.

Best Marvel Puns

1. Do you think “Hawk the Herald Angels Sing” is Hawkeye’s favorite holiday song?

2. The Avengers forced Black Widow to turn her GPS on because she is always Romanoff.

3. If you cross a dog and an Avenger, you end up with a Labra-thor.

4. Whenever Groot gets a load of money, he shouts, “I am loot.”

5. If Marvel is thinking about cloning Benjamin J. Grimm, they have another Thing coming.

6. When Avengers: Endgame was released, the fans finally thought, “It was about time.”

7. A Marvel antihero who loves talking in puns and cracks wordplay jokes is the Pun-isher.

8. Avengers: Endgame is usually seen as Marvel’s longest movie, but that’s not true. It’s their twenty-second film.

9. If Ironman and the Silver Surfer teamed up, would they be alloys?

10. Uncle Ben would never discourage Peter Parker from joining the Avengers. But his Aunt May.

Best Marvel Jokes

11. What OS do the supervillains of the MCU use?

Than OS.

12. What should you tell people when you’re looking for Captain Marvel’s cat?

That you’re on a wild Goose chase.

13. What is the favorite song of Hulk?

“It’s Not Easy Being Green.”

14. What would you get if you crossed Captain America with Hulk?

The Star-Spangled Banner.

15. Why is Spider-Man so good at playing baseball?

He always catches the flies.

16. Which Avenger is the best gardener?

The Hulk, because of his green thumb.

17. What was Captain America called when he was young?

Lieutenant America.

18. What is Dr. Strange’s cousin’s name who cannot do magic?

Doctor Normal.

19. What’s the Avengers’ favorite day of the week?


20. Why do the Avengers use the Hulk to advertise their services?

He’s essentially a giant Banner.

Marvel Puns That Would Make Even Vision Smile

21. How much does it cost to kill Tony Stark’s family? One Buck. (Yikes.)

22. What did was T’Challa’s nickname as a baby? Black Pampers.

23. Why does Thanos get unlimited hot beverages everywhere he goes? He has the Gauntlet of Infinite-tea.

24. In the next movie, The Avengers will battle media conglomerate Comcast. It will be called Xfinity War.

25. Which Marvel actress got arrested stealing a truck of soft French cheese? Brie Larceny.

26. What should you tell people when you’re looking for Captain Marvel’s cat? That you’re on a wild Goose chase.

27. Who’s the famous comedian in the Black Panther movie? Wakanda Sykes.

28. Are you obsessed with Black Widow, Captain Marvel, and Scarlet Witch? You may be a heroine addict.

29. Which Marvel character is almost ready for the summer? Tan-os.

30. If Ironman and the Silver Surfer teamed up, would they be alloys?

Marvel Jokes So Bad Hulk Wants To Smash Them

31. What do you call it when Iron Man does a cartwheel?

A ferrous wheel.

32. What do you call the King of Asgard when he lives in Williamsburg?

A hips-thor.

33. What does Peter Parker tell people he does for a living?

Web designer.

34. Why were the Avengers fighting blind after Infinity War?

They lost their Vision.

35. Which is the favorite outdoor sport that Spider-Man loves?

Fly fishing.

36. What did Captain America say at the beginning of the orchestra?

“Avengers, ensemble!”

37. What species of spider is friendly with all of the Avengers and lives in their headquarters?

A Black Widow.

38. What would you call Hulk if he didn’t shave for quite some time?

Mark Scruffalo.

39. Was fixing the universe hard for the Hulk?

No, it was a snap.

40. What did Thor say when he came across a rabbit on his way?

“Hey, raccoon!”

Drax Wouldn’t Get These Marvel Puns

41. What does Peter Parker tell people he does for a living? Web designer.

42. Did you know that each Avenger, on average, can only have about ten minutes of screen time? It’s a little mean.

43. So I finally saw Avengers: Endgame yesterday. It was about time.

44. Uncle Ben would never discourage Peter Parker from joining the Avengers. But his Aunt May.

45. Why were the Avengers fighting blind after Infinity War? They lost their Vision.

46. Was fixing the universe hard for the Hulk? No, it was a snap.

47. Which Avenger is the best gardener? The Hulk, because of his green thumb.

48. Which Marvel heroine likes to travel with a map and a backpack and her trusty sidekick Boots? Gamora the Explorer.

49. The second Avengers movie left a lot of unanswered questions. Does anyone know how old Ultron actually is?

50. Avengers: Endgame is usually seen as Marvel’s longest movie, but that’s not true. It’s their twenty-second film.

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