How To Annotate Books For Fun – Plus My Favorite Book Annotation Supplies
My mind would always go to school when I thought of annotating. A common school task is to be required to underline and make notes regarding a text. I’ve come to adore the act of annotating my books as I’ve become older and farther away from my school days. Keep reading; I’m going to write a whole post about how to annotate books for pleasure if you’re interested in learning how to do that.
The aesthetic of book annotation was what initially drew me to it. As I scrolled through my bookstagram account, stunning pictures of books that had been scribbled with 100 various kinds of sticky notes in 10 different colors continually surrounded me. The entire procedure and result captivated me.
This prompted me to do more research on the topic, during which I discovered YouTube videos with individuals showing others how to annotate books. I discovered a lot of amazing authors who let readers see how they annotate their books.
I also enjoy reading about annotating from other blogs! Here is a great article about annotating from The Wordy Habitat. Visit their post to see how much detail they go into. This article from Mollie Reads is fantastic, too! They provide a ton of examples of how to enjoyably annotate books.
I made the decision to attempt it for myself after doing all of my research and after learning how to do it from pictures and videos. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins was the first book I chose to annotate, and that was around a year ago. In order to properly concentrate on understanding the content I was reading, I began with my favorite novel, which I have already read several times. I suggest picking a book you’ve already read or one in your preferred genre if you’re struggling to decide which book you’ll annotate first.
It was such a unique experience to read my favorite book again and to put my own ideas and feelings into it. I became quickly dependent on reading books for enjoyable annotations. It has developed into such a calming and imaginative pastime. In this piece, I’ll go into great length on the art and enjoyment of book annotation, as well as all the tools I have in my annotation kit.
What Does it Mean to Annotate Books?
Annotating a book is defined as reading and studying a text and then writing down any ideas, sentiments, or observations that occur to you while you read.
In middle and high school, you surely recall being required to annotate passages or other text-based assignments. At least I have clear memories of that. It has never pleased me. Without actually absorbing any of the information, I would pick out random sentences and rephrase things.
However, looking back, it was a useful skill they were attempting to impart. Someone did not motivate me just to accomplish things that were pointless because I was lazy. However, as I previously mentioned, the further I have gotten from school, the more I have begun to fall in love with the art of annotation, particularly for the books I read for pleasure.
Why Should You Annotate Books?
If you want to annotate books for leisure, there is no right or wrong reason. You have the option of choosing to annotate every book you read or never picking up a sticky note or highlighter again. There is no superior choice over another.
However, if you’re seeking some benefits of book annotation, here are a few of them:
1. Actually Remembering the Plot of the Book
I read a book, but as soon as I turn the last page, I instantly forget the entire story and the cast of characters. due to the fact that I don’t remember nearly as much as I should. But when I do it for enjoyment, I’m more analytical with the books, so I tend to recall a lot more about them.
2. Becoming a Better Writer
In case you weren’t aware, one of my objectives is to write books that are published. So, looking more closely at the books I’m reading is one of the measures I need to take to achieve that. I’m doing that using annotation. I consider what I liked and what I didn’t like about a book and try to determine what the author did to obtain it.
3. It’s Fun and Creative
The artistic and creative aspects of book annotation were what first drew me to it. Do you get what I mean when I say that the outcome is just so lovely? So it goes without saying that when I highlight passages and write notes in the margins of my favorite chapters, I’m having fun. For instance, one of my favorite annotation techniques is to add drawings and images to a block of text.
4. Makes You More Observant
You have to concentrate more on the words you are reading when you annotate books for leisure. The story and the characters stick in your memory more than a result. However, it also improves your day-to-day observation skills. Book annotation, which has caused me to notice things in my daily life that I might have otherwise overlooked, has awakened my eyes.
What Supplies do you Need to Annotate a Book?
All you need to annotate are two things:
▸ A book
▸ A writing utensil (pen, pencil, crayon, whatever you want)
With practically any writing utensil and whatever color you can find, you may perform the fundamentals of annotation. However, I wouldn’t actually advise using a crayon.
But if you want to be extra like I do and have the aesthetic, here are some book annotation tools I have in my collection that I adore and use frequently:
▸ Sticky Notes
▸ Book Annotation Tabs
▸ Colorful pens
▸ Ruler for underlining
▸ Notebook
▸ Notecarfs
▸ Colorful highlighters
How do you Annotate a Book Without Ruining it?
The first time I annotated a book, I had to go out and buy a second, used copy so that I would still have my original in case I made a mistake. I was afraid.
So don’t worry if you’re afraid to write in your books like I am because you’re worried you’ll screw up or ruin them. Sticky notes, reading journals, and other methods can all be used to annotate books without damaging them.
1. Sticky Notes
These are fantastic for making notes without really writing them in the book, as I said previously. To fit the ideas you are having about a book, stick notes come in a huge variety of sizes and styles.
Purchasing a sticky note set is a great way to annotate. You can purchase one like this one from Amazon here. You can choose the size and shape that will be ideal for the annotation you are creating. If these colors aren’t your style, Amazon also sells packs similar to these in other hues.
2. Clear Sticky Notes
Clear sticky notes are one of my favorite methods to annotate books without actually writing in them. A few years back, someone wrote about them and the bookish Twitter community went bonkers, causing them to go viral.
In any case, they are extremely brilliant, especially if you want to highlight certain passages in the text without actually writing anything down.
You can acquire clear sticky notes in a variety of sizes with this pack from Amazon, which you can buy here. Just be sure to use ballpoint pens rather than gel ones, and wait until the ink is dry before turning the page or closing the book!
Because they compose of plastic, they are not the most environmentally friendly option. However, in the larger picture, utilizing a few plastic sticky notes won’t change the world; instead, the biggest impact will come from legislation that regulates huge businesses.
3. Note Cards
Using notecards is another of my favorite ways to annotate a book without really writing anything in it. I had a stack of notecards nearby when I was annotating Erin Morgenstern’s The Starless Sea, and I used them to write chapter summaries when I finished each one. After that, I would tuck that notecard between the book’s pages.
Although they also sell them in white and fluorescent hues, I personally like utilizing colorful notecards like these from Amazon. When I use notecards to annotate, I choose the color I write notes on based on how I feel about the chapter (I will go into more detail on my annotation color key later in the post). Then I can easily go back and identify which chapters caused me to experience various feelings.
4. Reading Journal
Finally, utilizing a notepad is a simple yet effective technique to take notes while reading. While reading the story, you can make a note of the chapter or page number you are on and jot down any ideas you have.
You can purchase a nice reading journal like this one from Amazon that is designed exclusively for making notes about the books you read. Or use an old notebook. Even better, you can fold some sheets of paper, staple them together, and create your own notepad.
One thing to keep in mind about this is that books are only objects, so don’t be scared to write directly in the book out of concern that you won’t be able to save it. The worst that might occur is what? You have a mark in the book. Do you have that? I believe it adds to its personality! A book with annotations in it has always been something I’ve wanted to look for in a used bookstore. Reading something like that would be so much pleasure.
Writing in books doesn’t ruin them!
Anyway, here is an example of book annotation without actually writing in the book:
What is a Book Annotation Kit and How Do you Make One?
I soon discovered that I required a little kit to carry around anytime I was reading a book after I really got into annotating them for enjoyment. This is particularly true if you enjoy reading in public while sipping a latte and acting like the star of a movie while carrying your books with you to the coffee shop.
You may purchase already made kits on Etsy, and many individuals utilize a variety of materials while making them. But I constructed my own annotation kit, which included a zipper pouch filled with the pens, highlighters, tabs, and sticky notes I currently use.
I employ the “BOOKS! from my Redbubble store. Just so everyone who sees my book annotation kit will understand exactly what my priorities are. This image shows it without any actual annotation materials.
What’s included in a book annotation kit?
▸ Multiple colors of pens or pencils
▸ Highlighters
▸ Sticky Notes
▸ Note Cards
▸ Annotation color key (more on that later)
▸ Book annotation tabs
What Books Should You Annotate?
Any and every book you choose is ideal when considering which ones to annotate. Literally, annotations can be made on anything that contains words. But here are some of the finest places to start if this is your first time diving into the realm of amusing book annotations:
Your favorite book
A non-fiction work (to get in the annotating mood, it is easier to annotate non-fiction, and most people have done this before)
A book you absolutely detested (It’s so much fun to write about why you detest a book; perhaps I’m simply a hater)
What is the Difference Between Annotating Books for Fun and for Learning?
Some people find it challenging to make the switch from annotating for academic purposes to recreational purposes. The only thing you might know to stress in a work of fiction is metaphors, because that is what we have been taught during our years of schooling.
There are whole distinct things to concentrate on while annotating for enjoyment, though. Consider the reasons you enjoy reading. There are a million various justifications, but a few of them include escapism, a certain emotion, and plain old enjoyment. Therefore, you should concentrate on those elements when annotating these books. What made you laugh and what enraged you? When annotating for enjoyment as opposed to learning, emotion is more important.
How to Annotate Books for Fun
Okay, we’ve covered all the materials you’ll need, as well as several annotating techniques and goals. What, however, is appropriate to annotate while enjoying a book? It is not quite like school, where you are only looking for the most crucial bits of knowledge. It is undoubtedly unique.
Although the specifics of what to note in books you read for pleasure are entirely up to you, here are some suggestions to get you started:
▸ Highlight some favorite quotes
▸ Note characterization you found successful or unsuccessful
▸ Highlight aspects of the book that made you feel something
▸ If you didn’t like something, write why
▸ Sensory details that caught your attention
▸ Doodle something inspired by the book on one of the pages
▸ Did the story give you an idea? Write it directly into the pages
▸ Record random thoughts that pop into your head while reading
▸ Note the motifs so you can look back at them later
▸ Is the author using a trope you love/hate? Note that!
As you can see, these annotation suggestions diverge significantly from scholarly annotation. There is far less pressure, so enjoy yourself and make as many or as few notes in your book as you choose. This does not count toward your grade.
I take note of Collins’s writing’s wonderful descriptions and sensory subtleties. Normally, when I read the pages, I annotate anything that caught my attention. I won’t go into great detail in my annotation since I don’t go looking for important details; I just let them pop up on the page.
Book Annotation Color Key
I always establish a color code for my book annotations using the various highlighter and pen colors I have in my gear. It looks nice and makes it simpler to recognize my notes. Here is an illustration of the color key I use when casually annotating books. Please excuse my sloppy handwriting.
I’ll highlight and annotate in both of these colors so that when I go back to my book with annotations, I can see precisely what I was thinking even before I read the note. In my book, it results in a beautiful rainbow of ideas and thoughts.
This post was a lot of fun to create because I absolutely love annotating books for fun. There is no right or wrong way to do things, so keep that in mind. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to do anything at all. The beauty of hobbies is that we can pursue them at any time!
What method of book annotation do you prefer? Please share your ideas in the comments section below; I’m always searching for new ones.