Emotional Crying Poetry
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Emotional Crying Poetry – 10 Poems That Will Make You Sobber

Emotional Crying poetry has the ability to bring out the emotional part of us. Emotions is part of life and as you travel through life, it will have different expressions.

As you read through, we will be presenting to you different emotional poems that will either make you sad or make you happy depending on your state of mind.

Read on!

1. Title: “Crying, Crying, Crying…”

They’ve left they’ve left just up and gone
Taken by God above
Although I knew about His Son
I didn’t seek His love

I know He went to Calvary
Wearing a thorny crown
Their King they nailed upon a tree
And dead they pulled Him down

What can I do what can I say?
Who, which, whether or how?
Whatever now there’s just no way
Repentant knees to bow

“O God! Oh God, full of fear
Now all I do is cry
With You! Hope’s gone and left me here
Afraid to even die

Crying, Crying, Crying - Emotional Crying Poetry

2. Title: “The Good Flower”

I don’t know how to say this.
There is a good flower, in the mist.
It runs around, and pound for pound,
Is the coolest, there is.

I see it from afar,
I look up at the stars
So far away, this is the day,
the good flower, raised the bar.

The flower is feeling lonely,
It bought a tv from sony,
it is time, to become a mime,
and made a friend named tony.

Raw Raw, says the flower
as its pedals turn a frosty white.
Come join me for some tea tony,
Hurry, come enjoy the delight.

The Good Flower - Emotional Crying Poetry

3. Title: “Living Again”

Running, running
far away.
Escaping dreams
of yesterday.

Faster, faster
there I go.
Forgetting things
you’ll never know.

Dying, dying
deep inside.
Find a place
for me to hide.

Stopping, stopping
let me cry.
Finding a way
to say goodbye.

Living Again - Emotional Crying Poetry

4. Title: “Nobody Knows”

Nobody knows it’s empty,
The smile that I wear.
The real one is left behind in the past
Because I left you there…

Nobody knows I am crying.
They won’t even see my tears.
When they think I am laughing,
I wish you were here…

Nobody knows it’s painful.
They think that I am strong.
They say it won’t kill me,
But I wonder if they are wrong…

Nobody knows I need you.
They think I can do it on my own,
But they don’t know I am crying
When I am all alone…

Nobody Knows - Emotional Crying Poetry

5. Title: “Hurting”

Lying in bed, my eyes resisting to close.
Thoughts and anger I try to dispose.
Thoughts of you stain my mind.
So many questions with answers I cannot find.

Hurt and confused,
You claimed love, but it was a repetitive ruse.
Gave all my love, not enough.
You broke my heart, thinking it made you tough.

I don’t know what it is that you gain
When you push me around and see me in pain.
Do you feel empowered? Do you feel strong?
What did I do to you that was so wrong?

You shattered my soul,
Now, just one giant hole.
Emptiness and dark replace,
My heart gone without a trace.

Hurting - Emotional Crying Poetry

6. Title: “Trying To Be Strong”

Unfazed by fear, or so I proclaim,
In my lie, I wish there was no game.
Rejecting help, don’t need a hand,
Tears and fears, I can’t withstand.

Crying and scared, life passing by,
Feeling nothing, no matter how hard I try.
Sad and depressed, weak and abused,
Labeled as bad, left feeling used.

I shun assistance, lost in despair,
Not wanting to cry, but life isn’t fair.
Leave me here, just bid goodbye,
In your absence, I’ll silently lie.

You’re gone now, good riddance, I say,
Perhaps I’ll cry, just for a day.
Alone with my thoughts, I’ll find my way,
Hoping for a brighter, less painful display.

Trying To Be Strong - Emotional crying poetry

7. Title: “The Hole In My Heart”

Forgive me as I weep,
No other recourse to keep.
If God had forewarned my fate,
A life without you, a heavy weight.

Perhaps it wouldn’t be easier,
But I’d have stayed more vigilant,
Ensuring each moment I treasure,
Until your soul’s ascent.

Crying won’t alter what’s true,
Yet it nourishes my soul anew.
Bringing comfort, tears console,
Filling the void, making me whole.

Forgive me if I cry,
No alternatives, no alibi.
Had God hinted at our adieu,
My life without you, a somber view.

The Hole In My Heart - Emotiona Crying Poetry

8. Title: “Poem About Losing Strength”

The angel lost her grace,
Mascara streaming down her face.
Love forgotten, hate embraced,
Faith vanished, nothing replaced.

Cheeks stained with tears,
Eyes bloodshot, drowning in fears.
Pain and suffering in her view,
Conquering love, she couldn’t do.

As the sky turned from blue to black,
Darkness seized her heart’s track.
Wings vanished from her back,
Kindness shattered, no turning back.

With all her might, a futile fight,
Her dress turned black from white.
Sent to save, to aid the weak,
Yet her marks left tears and streaks.

Poem About Losing Strength - Emotional crying Poetry

9. Title: “Your Path, My Heartbreak”

You are blinded by shame
For all, you have done
It hurts me so bad
That I was never number one.

I understand your pain
Or at least say that I do.
But really, inside,
I am just as lost as you.

Still I can’t grasp this concept
Of you being gone
My feelings never die
I know this is wrong.

I say that I’d do anything for you
That’s a promise I can no longer make
Loving you is inevitable
It’s something that I can’t fake.

Your Path, My Heartbreak - Emotional Crying Poetry

10. Title: “Trapped With Broken Memories”

Wings of wax, they melt, fall apart,
A true reflection of my weak heart.
Discouraged, pride denied,
Escape to freedom, forever defied.

Never to spread and fly,
Missing the feeling of the sky.
Broken wings, keep me grounded,
Trapped with memories, once sounded.

Once beautiful, proud, now a shroud,
Reminders of a known glory, a sad story.
Torn and tattered, can’t carry me,
Dreams of freedom, a distant plea.

Torn, tattered, can’t carry me,
Dreams of freedom, a distant plea.
Heart can’t dream, soul’s abyss,
Silently waits for death’s sweet kiss.

Trapped With Broken Memories - Emotional Crying poetry

There is no harm becoming emotional every now and then and now that you have gone through these poems, how do you feel.

It is good to open your heart most times and be vulnerable, this is what these poems will do and help you with.

We hope you loved them.

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